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Genealogy Online offers genealogists the possibility to publish their genealogy data and images on the Internet for free and easily. With over 80 million ancestors, it is the largest searchable family tree website in the Benelux..
Search the genealogical data of Dutch archives via Open Archives. With smart search by two names, phonetic search and search with wild cards. Now with 347 million historical person listings!

Family Archivist offers family tree researchers a private space where a digital family archive can be formed together with family members.
The Stamboom Forum is the social network for genealogists and historians. You can ask questions, give feedback, share tips, offer ideas, search for and announce genealogical events, and search for and announce family names in the Who (re)searches (for) who? register.

With 26 thousand websites, the Stamboom Gids is the most comprehensive Internet directory in the field of genealogy, family trees, surnames and archives.
Met de Genealogie Werkbalk kunt u eenvoudig belangrijke genealogische bronnen doorzoekenen, scans bij FamilySearch vinden en op zoek naar archiefinstellingen.

Find your ancestors and publish your family tree on Genealogy Online via