Blader door transcripties » Stadsarchief Amsterdam
archiefnummer 5075, inventarisnummer 10625, pagina 341


Knowall men bythose Frosentsthat IIsaac
Jacques Bousquet of Amsterdam
domako Coomnstituto and appoint Messicurs Aexander
Baxier and William Mair, of London
Meichants Jointly or Separately, my
trus and Lewfull Attarneys forme in mynames and m
mi gehalf te assignand transfer unto any Jer son¬
Carpersins whosoever One Hundred
Pounds, being all my
Intresta Share in the capital orpint stack of three
percent annuities Erectod by an act of Parliament
of the twenty fifth year of the reige of his Majesty
king Geoge the seamd intelledan Act faon Convertina
the sever al annucties thereinmentimnedin to Severn
Grint Sorks fannuities transferrableat the brank
of England to bechanged m thos Sinking frand and by
anlct of thet 28th. thon 29th. the 31t. the 32. and the35.
of george the secand and the first the 6th. tho 1th. thod.
and the 1ot. of George the third and also to receidete
Consideration Moneys there of and in mij
sod names to give sull acquitances and dischanger


Stadsarchief Amsterdam, archieftoegang 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, inventarisnummer 10625, DANIEL VAN DEN BRINK, Minuutacten, 1776 Mei,Juni
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