Search the genealogical data of Dutch and Belgian archives

Newsletter, edition 2018-5

Searching for ancestors from Amsterdam made easy

Recently over 18 million historical persons listings where added to Open Archives. The data is made available by the City Archive of Amsterdam and was derived from among others: baptism / marriage / burial registers, population registers, notarial deed, police registers, militia registers and patient registers.

The records where already made available via one of many indexes you had to search seperate on the Dutch-only website of the City Archive of Amsterdam. Open Archives makes searching multiple indexes a thing of the past, all records can be searched via one query.

Open Archives also provides, where relevant, extra information about the weather, historical maps, links to other records about the same person(s) in the same or other archives. And always nice: a big part of the records are linked to scans of the records.

Municipal archive of Alphen aan den Rijn

The municipal archive of Alphen aan den Rijn made available a first, big set of historical person data. Records from the civil registry, population registers and BMD from places like Hazerswoude, Koudekerk, Benthuizen and of course Alphen aan den Rijn.

All of this data is now searchable on Open Archives!

Open Archives: the largest searchable collection of Dutch genealogical archive data

Another prayer card collection added

Open Archives gives prayer card collections of historical societes a bigger stage by making them searchable and viewable on Open Archives.

Last month the prayer card collection from Heemkundevereniging Helden was added to Open Archives.

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If you register now at Open Archives you can try out all functions of the Open Archives subscription for free for 10 days. Like downloading of records in GEDCOM and PDF, view automatically calculated relationships, and receive notifications when there are new search results for your searches!

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Genealogy Online is the biggest family tree website in the Netherlands. With nearly 48 million ancestors published on this website, it is the ideal place to find information and contact other genealogists.

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A genealogical service by Coret Genealogy (KvK-nummer 50518607).

Open Archives is a sisterwebsite of Genealogy Online, the Stamboom Forum, Family Archivist, the Stamboom Gids, the Genealogie Werkbalk.